Dynavap Replacement Caps: A Review

If you are a fan of Dynavap vaporizers, you know how important the cap is for your vaping experience. The cap is the part that covers the tip of your device and clicks when it reaches the optimal temperature for vaporization. The cap also has a digger-outer tip that helps you remove the herb from the chamber after use. But what if you lose your cap, or if you want to have a spare one for backup? In this article, we will review the three types of Dynavap replacement caps that you can buy online: the standard cap, the captive cap, and the low temp cap.

The Standard Cap

The standard cap is the most common and versatile cap that comes with all Dynavap devices. It is made of medical-grade stainless steel and can be used with any Dynavap tip or midsection. The standard cap has a simple design that clicks when heated to the right temperature, usually around 180°C to 210°C. The standard cap also has a digger-outer tip that helps you remove the herb from the chamber after use. The standard cap is durable and easy to use, but it can sometimes fall off if you shake or twist your device too hard.

The Captive Cap

The captive cap is a newer version of the standard cap that has some improvements to prevent it from falling off. The captive cap has two small indentations on the sides that create a tighter fit with the tip of your device. The captive cap also has a slightly different shape that allows more airflow and better heat distribution. The captive cap clicks at a similar temperature range as the standard cap, but it may require a bit more practice to get used to it. The captive cap is ideal for users who want a more secure and consistent cap that won’t slip off easily.

The Low Temp Cap

The low temp cap is a special cap that clicks at a lower temperature than the standard or captive caps, usually around 150°C to 170°C. The low temp cap is designed for users who prefer a more flavorful and smoother vapor, or who want to conserve their herb. The low temp cap has a different color and texture than the other caps, and it also has a smaller digger-outer tip. The low temp cap can be used with any Dynavap device, but it may not produce as much vapor or as strong effects as the other caps.


Dynavap replacement caps are essential accessories for any Dynavap user who wants to keep their device in good condition and enjoy different vaping experiences. The standard cap is the most common and versatile cap that can be used with any Dynavap device. The captive cap is a newer and improved version of the standard cap that has a tighter fit and better airflow. The low temp cap is a special cap that clicks at a lower temperature and produces more flavor and less vapor. You can buy any of these caps online from reputable vendors like Smoke Cartel, Planet of the Vapes, or Dynavap’s official website.

Images source: Smoke Cartel