How to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell?

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If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a glass bong, you may have encountered some challenges when it comes to being discreet. Bongs can produce loud bubbling sounds and strong odors that can attract unwanted attention from your neighbors, roommates, or family members. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that can help you use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell. Here are some of them:

Choose a small and simple bong

One of the easiest ways to reduce the noise and smell of your bong is to choose a small and simple one. The larger and more complex the bong, the more water and air it will contain, which means more bubbling and gurgling sounds. A small and simple bong will have less water and air, which means less noise. Additionally, a small and simple bong will also have less surface area for the smoke to stick to, which means less smell. Look for a bong that has a straight tube, a single chamber, and a small bowl.

Use cold water and ice

Another way to reduce the noise and smell of your bong is to use cold water and ice. Cold water and ice will cool down the smoke, which will make it smoother and less harsh on your throat and lungs. This will allow you to inhale more quietly and exhale more gently, which will reduce the noise of your breathing. Moreover, cold water and ice will also help to filter out some of the tar and resin from the smoke, which will make it less smelly. Fill your bong with cold water until it covers the bottom of the downstem, and add some ice cubes to the tube or the mouthpiece.

Use a sploof or a smoke buddy

A sploof or a smoke buddy is a device that can help you eliminate the smell of your bong smoke. A sploof is a homemade device that consists of a cardboard tube (such as a toilet paper roll or a paper towel roll) stuffed with dryer sheets or activated charcoal. A smoke buddy is a commercial device that works in a similar way, but with a more efficient filter. To use either of them, simply exhale your smoke through the tube, and it will come out odorless or with a pleasant scent. You can make your own sploof by following these steps:

  • Cut off one end of the cardboard tube.
  • Stuff the tube with dryer sheets or activated charcoal.
  • Cover the other end of the tube with another dryer sheet or a piece of fabric.
  • Secure it with a rubber band or tape.

You can buy a smoke buddy online or at some smoke shops.

Use an air freshener or an incense stick

If you want to mask the smell of your bong smoke, you can also use an air freshener or an incense stick. An air freshener is a spray that can neutralize or cover up odors with different fragrances. An incense stick is a stick that can burn slowly and release aromatic smoke. To use either of them, simply spray or light them before, during, or after your session, and let them fill the room with their scent. You can choose from various flavors and scents, such as lavender, vanilla, citrus, sandalwood, etc.

Use an electric fan or an open window

Finally, one of the best ways to reduce the noise and smell of your bong is to use an electric fan or an open window. An electric fan is a device that can create airflow and ventilation in your room. An open window is a natural source of fresh air and breeze. To use either of them, simply place them near your smoking spot, and turn them on or open them before, during, or after your session. They will help to disperse the smoke and carry it away from your room, which will reduce its noise and smell.


Using a glass bong can be a great way to enjoy your herb or tobacco, but it can also be noisy and smelly. However, by following these tips and tricks, you can use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell. Remember to choose a small and simple bong, use cold water and ice, use a sploof or a smoke buddy, use an air freshener or an incense stick, and use an electric fan or an open window. These methods will help you to be discreet and respectful of others, while still having a good time.
