How to use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax?

If you are looking for a new way to enjoy your favorite herbs or tobacco, you might want to try using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax. These are potent forms of extracts that can deliver intense flavors and effects. However, using them requires some special equipment and techniques. In this blog post, we will explain how to use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of this method.

What are concentrates, oils, and wax?

Concentrates, oils, and wax are terms that refer to different types of extracts that are made from herbs or tobacco. They are produced by using solvents or heat to extract the active ingredients from the plant material. The result is a sticky, resinous substance that contains high levels of cannabinoids, terpenes, and other compounds. Concentrates, oils, and wax can have different textures, colors, and potencies depending on the extraction method and the quality of the source material.

Some of the most common types of concentrates, oils, and wax are:

  • Shatter: A hard, brittle extract that has a glass-like appearance and can be easily broken into pieces.
  • Budder: A soft, creamy extract that has a butter-like consistency and can be easily spread.
  • Crumble: A dry, crumbly extract that has a honeycomb-like structure and can be easily sprinkled.
  • Wax: A sticky, waxy extract that has a soft texture and can be easily molded.
  • Oil: A liquid extract that has a runny consistency and can be easily dripped.
  • Live resin: A fresh extract that is made from frozen plant material and preserves more of the original flavor and aroma.

What is a glass bong?

A glass bong is a type of water pipe that is used to smoke herbs or tobacco. It consists of a bowl where the material is placed, a stem that connects the bowl to the water chamber, a percolator that filters and cools the smoke, and a mouthpiece where the smoke is inhaled. Glass bongs come in different shapes, sizes, and designs, and can have various features such as ice pinches, splash guards, ash catchers, etc.

Glass bongs are popular among smokers because they offer a smoother and cleaner smoking experience than other methods. The water in the bong helps to filter out some of the tar and toxins from the smoke, while the percolator adds extra diffusion and bubbles for a cooler and gentler hit. Glass bongs also allow you to enjoy the full flavor and aroma of your herbs or tobacco without any interference from paper or metal.

How to use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax?

To use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax, you will need some additional accessories besides the bong itself. These are:

  • A nail or a banger: This is the part where you place your concentrate, oil, or wax. It is usually made of metal or quartz and has a bowl-shaped end that fits into the joint of your bong. Nails and bangers come in different sizes and shapes depending on your preference.
  • A dabber: This is a tool that you use to pick up and apply your concentrate, oil, or wax onto the nail or banger. It is usually made of metal or glass and has a pointed or scooped end.
  • A torch: This is a device that you use to heat up your nail or banger until it reaches the optimal temperature for vaporizing your concentrate, oil, or wax. It is usually powered by butane or propane gas.
  • A carb cap: This is an optional accessory that you use to cover your nail or banger after applying your concentrate, oil, or wax. It helps to create a vacuum that traps the vapor inside and allows you to inhale it more efficiently.

The steps for using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax are as follows:

  1. Fill your glass bong with water until it covers the percolator. Make sure there is no water in the stem or the mouthpiece.
  2. Attach your nail or banger to the joint of your bong. Make sure it fits snugly and securely.
  3. Use your torch to heat up your nail or banger until it glows red. Be careful not to overheat it or touch it with your fingers.
  4. Let your nail or banger cool down for a few seconds until it reaches the desired temperature. You can use a thermometer or a timer to measure the temperature, or you can go by feel and experience. Generally, lower temperatures produce more flavor and smoother hits, while higher temperatures produce more vapor and stronger effects.
  5. Use your dabber to pick up a small amount of your concentrate, oil, or wax. Be careful not to touch the hot nail or banger with your dabber.
  6. Apply your concentrate, oil, or wax onto the nail or banger and inhale through the mouthpiece of your bong. If you have a carb cap, place it over the nail or banger after applying your concentrate, oil, or wax and lift it slightly to adjust the airflow.
  7. Exhale and enjoy the effects of your concentrate, oil, or wax. Repeat as desired.

What are the pros and cons of using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax?

Using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax has some advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods of consumption. Here are some of them:


  • You can get more out of your concentrate, oil, or wax. Since these extracts are very potent, you only need a small amount to get high. This means you can save money and make your stash last longer.
  • You can experience more flavor and aroma. Concentrates, oils, and wax contain high levels of terpenes and other compounds that give them their distinctive taste and smell. Using a glass bong with a nail or a banger allows you to vaporize these compounds without burning them, preserving their quality and intensity.
  • You can enjoy smoother and cleaner hits. Using a glass bong with water and a percolator helps to cool down and filter the vapor from your concentrate, oil, or wax, making it easier on your lungs and throat.


  • You need more equipment and skills. Using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax requires you to have a nail or a banger, a dabber, a torch, and optionally a carb cap. You also need to know how to heat up your nail or banger properly and how to apply your concentrate, oil, or wax correctly.
  • You may face some health risks. Concentrates, oils, and wax are very potent and can have strong effects on your body and mind. If you are not used to them or if you consume too much, you may experience adverse reactions such as anxiety, paranoia, nausea, dizziness, etc. You should always start low and go slow when using these extracts.
  • You may have some legal issues. Concentrates, oils, and wax are not legal in all places and may be subject to stricter regulations than herbs or tobacco. You should always check the laws in your area before using these extracts.


Using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax is a great way to enjoy your herbs or tobacco in a different way. It can provide you with more flavor, more potency, and more smoothness than other methods of consumption