How often should you change the water in a glass bong and why?

If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a glass bong, you probably know how important it is to keep your piece clean and fresh. Not only does a clean bong enhance the flavor and smoothness of your smoke, but it also prevents the growth of mold, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms that can affect your health. But how often should you change the water in your glass bong and why? In this article, we will answer this question and give you some tips on how to properly clean any type of bong.

Why you should change the water in your glass bong

There are several reasons why you should change the water in your glass bong regularly. Here are some of them:

  • It improves the taste and quality of your smoke. When you smoke from a glass bong, the water acts as a filter that cools down the smoke and removes some of the tar and ash. However, if you don’t change the water often enough, it will become dirty and stale, affecting the flavor and harshness of your smoke. You may also inhale some of the contaminants that have accumulated in the water, which can irritate your throat and lungs.
  • It prevents the buildup of resin and gunk. As you smoke from a glass bong, resin and gunk will start to stick to the walls, stem, bowl, and other parts of your piece. This can make your bong look dirty and smell bad, as well as reduce its airflow and efficiency. By changing the water frequently, you can prevent some of the resin and gunk from sticking to your bong and make it easier to clean later.
  • It reduces the risk of mold and bacteria growth. One of the biggest dangers of smoking from a dirty glass bong is the possibility of inhaling mold spores and bacteria that can cause infections, allergies, and other health problems. Mold and bacteria thrive in moist and dark environments, such as a glass bong filled with old water. If you don’t change the water often enough, you may be exposing yourself to these harmful microorganisms every time you smoke.

How often should you change the water in your glass bong

The answer to this question may vary depending on how often you use your glass bong, how much you smoke, and how clean you want your piece to be. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should change the water in your glass bong after every smoke session. This will ensure that you always get a fresh and tasty smoke, as well as prevent the accumulation of resin, gunk, mold, and bacteria in your piece.

If you use your glass bong occasionally or moderately, changing the water after every use may be enough to keep it clean and safe. However, if you use your glass bong frequently or heavily, changing the water may not be enough to remove all the dirt and contaminants from your piece. In that case, you should also deep clean your glass bong roughly once a week using alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or other cleaning agents.

How to deep clean your glass bong

There are different methods to deep clean a glass bong, using various ingredients and tools. Some common ingredients are alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Some common tools are bottle brush, pipe cleaner, and saucepan. The basic steps are to fill the bong with the chosen ingredient, shake it, and let it soak for some time, then rinse it with warm water and dish soap. Some methods require boiling water, but this could bust the glass. Here are some examples of how to deep clean your glass bong:

  • Alcohol and salt method. This is one of the most popular and effective methods of cleaning a glass bong. Alcohol reacts with the tar and resin, making it easier to remove. Salt acts as an abrasive that helps scrub away the dirt. To use this method:
    1. Separate all the moving pieces from the bong: the bowl, the stem, etc.
    2. Rinse out the pieces in hot water to loosen up any big chunks of resin.
    3. Knock off any big pieces of resin with cotton swabs or pipe cleaners.
    4. Place the smaller parts in resealable plastic bags filled with alcohol (90% isopropyl is better than 70%) and salt.
    5. Fill your bong with alcohol and salt, making sure to cover all the dirty areas.
    6. Plug the holes and shake the bong and the bags for a minute or two.
    7. Let the bong and the bags soak for a few hours or overnight.
    8. Pour out the alcohol/salt mixture and rinse the pieces with warm water and dish soap.
    9. Use a bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to scrub any remaining dirt.
    10. Rinse again with warm water and let the pieces dry completely.
  • Vinegar and baking soda method. This is another common and effective method of cleaning a glass bong. Vinegar is acidic and helps dissolve the tar and resin. Baking soda is alkaline and helps neutralize the vinegar and create bubbles that lift the dirt. To use this method:
    1. Follow steps 1-3 from the alcohol and salt method.
    2. Place the smaller parts in resealable plastic bags filled with vinegar and baking soda.
    3. Fill your bong with vinegar and baking soda, making sure to cover all the dirty areas.
    4. Plug the holes and shake the bong and the bags for a minute or two.
    5. Let the bong and the bags soak for a few hours or overnight.
    6. Pour out the vinegar/baking soda mixture and rinse the pieces with warm water and dish soap.
    7. Use a bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to scrub any remaining dirt.
    8. Rinse again with warm water and let the pieces dry completely.
  • Lemon juice and boiling water method. This is another alternative method of cleaning a glass bong. Lemon juice is acidic and helps dissolve the tar and resin. Boiling water helps loosen up the dirt and kill any germs. However, be careful not to use boiling water on a cold piece, as this can cause it to shatter. To use this method:
    1. Follow steps 1-3 from the alcohol and salt method.
    2. Place the smaller parts in resealable plastic bags filled with lemon juice.
    3. Boil some water in a saucepan and add some lemon juice to it.
    4. Pour the hot water/lemon juice mixture into your bong, making sure to cover all the dirty areas.
    5. Plug the holes and shake the bong and the bags for a minute or two.
    6. Let the bong and the bags soak for a few hours or overnight.
    7. Pour out the hot water/lemon juice mixture and rinse the pieces with warm water and dish soap.
    8. Use a bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to scrub any remaining dirt.
    9. Rinse again with warm water and let the pieces dry completely.


Cleaning your glass bong is not only good for your health, but also for your smoking experience. By changing the water in your glass bong after every smoke session, you can enjoy a fresh and smooth smoke every time. By deep cleaning your glass bong roughly once a week, you can prevent resin, gunk, mold, and bacteria from building up in your piece. By using simple ingredients like alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice, you can easily clean any type of bong without spending too much money or time. Happy smoking!
