How to Drill a Hole in a Glass Bottle to Make a Glass Bong


If you are looking for a creative way to make your own glass bong, you might want to try drilling a hole in a glass bottle. A glass bong is a device that allows you to smoke herb or tobacco through water, which filters and cools the smoke. You can use any glass bottle that has a smooth and curved surface, such as a wine bottle, a beer bottle, or a soda bottle. However, you need to be careful and follow some safety precautions when drilling a hole in glass, as it can be fragile and sharp. In this blog post, we will show you how to drill a hole in a glass bottle to make a glass bong in a few easy steps.

What You Will Need

To drill a hole in a glass bottle to make a glass bong, you will need the following items:

  • A glass bottle of your choice
  • A power drill with a small spear-tipped carbide or diamond bit
  • A larger spear-tipped carbide or diamond bit (depending on the size of the hole you want)
  • A piece of masking tape or painter’s tape
  • A felt-tipped marker
  • A folded towel or a soft pad
  • A bowl of water or a spray bottle
  • Protective goggles, dust mask, and gloves
  • A 600-grit diamond file
  • A rubber grommet or sealant
  • A metal or glass downstem and bowl (you can buy these online or at a smoke shop)

Step 1: Mark the Drill Site

The first step is to mark the spot where you want to drill the hole on the glass bottle. This will be the place where you insert the downstem and bowl later. You can choose any spot that follows the curve of the bottle, but avoid drilling on flat or uneven areas, as they can cause the glass to crack or shatter. A good spot is usually near the bottom of the bottle, but not too close to the base.

Once you have chosen your spot, place two pieces of tape over it in an X shape. This will help you keep track of the center of the hole and also provide some traction for the drill bit. Then, use a marker to draw a dot at the center of the X. This will be your target for drilling.

Step 2: Secure the Glass Bottle

The next step is to secure the glass bottle on a work surface that is stable and comfortable. You can use a folded towel, a cushion, or any soft pad to support the bottle and prevent it from rolling or sliding. Lay the bottle flat on the pad with the taped side facing up. Make sure that the bottle is not touching any hard or sharp objects that could damage it.

Step 3: Drill a Starter Hole

Now you are ready to drill a starter hole on the glass bottle. For this step, you will need a power drill with a small spear-tipped carbide or diamond bit. These bits are specially designed for drilling into glass without breaking it. You can find them at most hardware stores or online.

Before you start drilling, put on your protective goggles, dust mask, and gloves. This will protect you from any flying glass shards or dust particles. Also, make sure that your drill is set to low speed and moderate pressure. If you drill too fast or too hard, you could overheat or crack the glass.

Align the tip of the bit with the dot that you marked on the tape. Hold the drill at a right angle to the surface of the glass. Start drilling at a 45-degree angle and then gradually move to a 90-degree angle as you make contact with the glass. This will help you avoid slipping or skidding on the smooth surface.

Drill slowly and steadily until you make a small hole through the glass. Do not push too hard or force the bit through. Let the bit do the work and apply gentle pressure as needed. You can also use some water to cool down the bit and lubricate the hole. You can either dip the bit in a bowl of water before drilling or spray some water on the hole while drilling.

Step 4: Enlarge the Hole

Once you have drilled a starter hole, you can enlarge it to the size that you want. For this step, you will need a larger spear-tipped carbide or diamond bit that matches the diameter of your downstem. You can measure the downstem with a ruler or a caliper to find the right size.

Switch to the larger bit and repeat the same process as before. Start drilling at a 45-degree angle and then move to a 90-degree angle. Drill slowly and carefully until you reach the desired size. Use water to cool and lubricate the bit and the hole as needed.

As you drill, be careful not to apply too much pressure or speed, especially when you are close to breaking through the other side of the glass. This could cause the glass to chip or crack around the hole. To avoid this, reduce the pressure and speed as you approach the end of the hole.

Step 5: Smooth the Hole

After you have drilled the hole to the size that you want, you need to smooth the edges of the hole to make it safer and smoother. For this step, you will need a 600-grit diamond file. This is a fine-grained file that can polish and smooth glass surfaces.

Gently rub the file around the edges of the hole, both inside and outside of the bottle. This will remove any sharp or rough edges that could cut you or damage your downstem. You can also use some water to help with the filing process.

When you are done filing, wipe off any dust or debris from the hole and the bottle with a damp cloth. You can also rinse the bottle with water to clean it thoroughly.

Step 6: Seal the Hole

The next step is to seal the hole with a rubber grommet or some sealant. This will prevent any air or water leaks from the hole and also protect your downstem from scratching or breaking.

A rubber grommet is a small ring that fits snugly around the hole and creates a tight seal. You can find rubber grommets at most hardware stores or online. They come in different sizes, so make sure to get one that matches your hole size.

To install a rubber grommet, simply push it into the hole until it sits flush with the surface of the glass. You may need to use some pliers or a screwdriver to help you insert it. Make sure that it is not too loose or too tight.

If you don’t have a rubber grommet, you can also use some sealant to seal the hole. Sealant is a sticky substance that hardens and forms a waterproof barrier. You can find sealant at most hardware stores or online. They come in different types, such as silicone, epoxy, or polyurethane.

To apply sealant, squeeze some of it around the edge of the hole, both inside and outside of the bottle. Use a toothpick or a cotton swab to spread it evenly and fill any gaps. Let it dry completely according to the instructions on the package.

Step 7: Insert the Downstem and Bowl

The final step is to insert the downstem and bowl into the hole. The downstem is a metal or glass tube that connects the bowl to the water chamber of the bong. The bowl is where you put your herb or tobacco for smoking.

You can buy downstems and bowls online or at a smoke shop. They come in different sizes, shapes, and designs, so choose one that suits your preference and style.

To insert the downstem and bowl, simply slide them into the hole until they fit snugly. The downstem should be long enough to reach below the water level inside the bottle. The bowl should be above the water level and easy to access.

Step 8: Enjoy Your Glass Bong

Congratulations! You have successfully drilled a hole in a glass bottle to make a glass bong. Now you can fill your bottle with water, pack your bowl with your favorite herb or tobacco, light it up, and enjoy!

To use your glass bong, hold it by the neck and place your mouth over the opening of the bottle. Use your finger or thumb to cover and uncover a small hole near the top of the bottle (called a carb). This will control the airflow and smoke inside the bong.

Light your bowl with a lighter or a match and inhale slowly through your mouth. As you inhale, uncover the carb to let some air in and clear out all
the smoke from
the bottle.
and repeat
as desired.