How to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell that might bother others or attract attention?


If you enjoy smoking herbs or tobacco with a glass bong, you might be wondering how to do it discreetly and respectfully, especially if you live with other people or in a place where smoking is not allowed. Glass bongs are designed to deliver smooth, clean, and potent hits, but they can also produce some noise and smell that can be annoying or suspicious for others. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell that might bother others or attract attention.

Choose the right glass bong

Not all glass bongs are created equal. Some are more suitable for discreet smoking than others. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a glass bong for stealthy sessions:

  • Size: Smaller glass bongs are easier to hide and store than larger ones. They also produce less smoke and require less water, which reduces the noise and smell. However, smaller bongs can also be harsher on your throat and lungs, so you might want to look for one with a percolator or an ice catcher to cool down the smoke.
  • Shape: Glass bongs come in different shapes, such as straight tubes, beakers, bubblers, recyclers, etc. Some shapes are more stable and less likely to tip over than others, which can prevent spills and breakages that can cause noise and smell. Beaker bongs and bubblers are good examples of stable shapes that can also hold more water and smoke for smoother hits.</li