How to Clean a Bong with Household Items


If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a bong, you know how important it is to keep it clean and fresh. A dirty bong can ruin the taste of your smoke, and even pose a health risk if it harbors mold, bacteria, or fungus. Fortunately, you don’t need to buy expensive or specialized products to clean your bong. You can use some common household items that you probably already have in your kitchen or bathroom. Here are some easy steps to clean your bong with household items.

What You’ll Need

  • A bong
  • Warm water
  • Coarse salt, rice, or baking soda
  • Isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, or dish soap
  • Cotton swabs, pipe cleaners, bottle brushes, paper towels, dry cloths, or earbuds
  • Lemon juice or white vinegar (optional)

Step 1: Disassemble Your Bong

The first thing you need to do is to take apart your bong and remove all the removable pieces, such as the mouthpiece, the pipe, the bowl, and the downstem. This will make it easier to clean each part separately and thoroughly. As you disassemble your bong, check for any damage, such as chips or cracks, and replace any broken pieces before using your bong again.

Step 2: Empty and Rinse Your Bong

The next step is to empty your bong of any old water and spent herb or tobacco. Pour out the contents of your bong into a sink or a trash can, and give it a good rinse with warm water to remove any loose particles. You can also use a paper towel or a dry cloth to wipe off any residue from the outside of your bong.

Step 3: Fill Your Bong with a Cleaning Solution

Now it’s time to fill your bong with a cleaning solution that will dissolve and loosen the stubborn stains and build-up inside your bong. You can use different combinations of household items for this purpose, depending on what you have available and what works best for you. Some of the most common and effective cleaning solutions are:

  • Isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt: This is probably the most popular and effective way to clean a bong. Isopropyl alcohol (also known as rubbing alcohol) is a powerful solvent that can dissolve resin and tar, while coarse salt (such as Epsom salt or rock salt) acts as an abrasive that can scrub away any remaining gunk. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the better. Ideally, you want to use one that is over 90%. To use this method, pour enough isopropyl alcohol into your bong to cover the stained areas, and add a generous amount of coarse salt. Swirl the mixture around to distribute it evenly.
  • Vinegar and rice: This is another effective and natural way to clean a bong. Vinegar is an acidic substance that can break down resin and tar, while rice acts as an abrasive that can scrub away any remaining gunk. To use this method, pour enough vinegar into your bong to cover the stained areas, and add a handful of uncooked rice. Swirl the mixture around to distribute it evenly.
  • Dish soap and warm water: This is a simple and gentle way to clean a bong. Dish soap can help remove grease and dirt from your bong, while warm water can help rinse away any residue. To use this method, fill your bong with warm water and add a squirt of dish soap. Swirl the mixture around to distribute it evenly.

Step 4: Plug the Holes and Shake Your Bong

The next step is to plug the holes of your bong with your hands, fingers, thumbs, or some other material (such as plastic wrap or rubber bands) so that the cleaning solution doesn’t spill out. Then shake your bong vigorously for about five minutes to agitate the solution and make it work its magic on the stains and build-up inside your bong. You can also use a bottle brush or a pipe cleaner to reach into the hard-to-clean areas of your bong, such as the percolator or the downstem.

Step 5: Rinse and Repeat Your Bong

The final step is to rinse your bong thoroughly with clean water and soap to remove any traces of the cleaning solution and the dirt. You can also use a cotton swab or an earbud to remove any last bits of residue from the corners and crevices of your bong. Repeat the cleaning process as many times as you need to until your bong is sparkling clean and fresh.

Step 6: Give Your Bong a Nice Shine (Optional)

If you want to give your bong an extra shine and a pleasant smell, you can use some lemon juice or white vinegar as a final rinse. These natural substances can help remove any water marks and add a citrusy or acidic scent to your bong. To use this method, soak your bong for 10-15 minutes in warm water and half a lemon’s worth of juice, or half a cup of white vinegar. Then dry your bong thoroughly with a paper towel or a dry cloth.


Cleaning your bong with household items is easy, cheap, and effective. By following these simple steps, you can keep your bong in good condition and enjoy a smooth and tasty smoke every time. Remember to clean your bong regularly, at least once a week if you’re a heavy smoker, or after every session if you’re a perfectionist. Happy smoking!
