How to use ice or glycerin tubes to cool down the smoke from your glass bong without diluting it?

If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a glass bong, you might have wondered how to make the experience more smooth and pleasant. One of the most common ways to cool down the smoke is to add ice cubes to the water chamber, but this can also dilute the flavor and potency of your smoke. Moreover, ice cubes can melt quickly and make your bong water dirty and smelly.

Fortunately, there is a better alternative: ice or glycerin tubes. These are cylindrical glass attachments that have a spiral coil inside. They can be attached to the top of your glass bong, replacing the neck and mouthpiece. The space inside the cylinder is filled with either ice or glycerin, a non-toxic fluid made of fatty acids that is commonly used in cosmetics and food products.

Ice or glycerin tubes can lower the temperature of the smoke significantly, making it smoother and easier on your throat and lungs. They also preserve the flavor and potency of your smoke, since they do not add any moisture or impurities. In addition, they are easy to use and clean, and they can last for a long time if you take good care of them.

How to use ice tubes?

Ice tubes are simple to use. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  1. Detach the ice tube from your bong and fill it with water. You can use tap water or distilled water, depending on your preference.
  2. Place the ice tube in the freezer for a few hours until it is completely frozen. You can also leave it overnight if you want.
  3. Once the ice tube is frozen, attach it to your bong and load your bowl with your favorite herb or tobacco.
  4. Light up your bowl and inhale through the ice tube. You will feel the smoke cooling down as it passes through the coil.
  5. Enjoy the icy smooth hits from your ice-cooled bong. After using, detach the tube and rinse it with warm water. You can store it in the freezer again for later use, or let it dry and store it in a cool place.

How to use glycerin tubes?

Glycerin tubes are similar to ice tubes, but they have some advantages. Glycerin can freeze faster than water, and it can stay cold for longer. It also does not melt or leak, so you do not have to worry about making a mess or refilling the tube. Glycerin tubes are also more durable than ice tubes, since they do not crack or shatter easily.

To use a glycerin tube, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Detach the glycerin tube from your bong and place it in the freezer for an hour or two. You do not need to fill it with anything, since it already contains glycerin inside.
  2. Once the glycerin tube is frozen, attach it to your bong and load your bowl with your favorite herb or tobacco.
  3. Light up your bowl and inhale through the glycerin tube. You will feel the smoke cooling down as it passes through the coil.
  4. Enjoy the icy smooth hits from your glycerin-cooled bong. After using, detach the tube and rinse it with warm water. You can store it in the freezer again for later use, or let it dry and store it in a cool place.

How to clean ice or glycerin tubes?

To keep your ice or glycerin tube working in tip-top shape, you need to clean it regularly. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Rinse your tube with warm water after every use. This will prevent any residue from building up inside the coil.
  • Use a pipe cleaner or a cotton swab to gently scrub any stubborn spots inside the coil. You can also soak your tube in alcohol or vinegar for a few minutes to dissolve any gunk.
  • Dry your tube thoroughly before storing it in the freezer or a cool place. You can use a paper towel or a hair dryer to speed up the process.
  • Avoid exposing your tube to extreme heat or cold, as this can damage the glass or the glycerin.

Where to buy ice or glycerin tubes?

If you are interested in buying an ice or glycerin tube for your glass bong, you have several options. You can purchase a bong with a removable ice or glycerin coil installed, like the Big Sprinkler or the Glycerin Coil Beaker Bong. You also have the option to add an ice or glycerin adaptor to your current bong of choice, like the Glycerin Coil with Colored Inline Perc Bong or the Glycerin Coil Adapter. You can find these products and more at online headshops like DankStop or Toker Supply.


Ice or glycerin tubes are great accessories for your glass bong if you want to enjoy cooler and smoother smoke without compromising the flavor and potency of your herb or tobacco. They are easy to use, clean, and store, and they can enhance your smoking experience significantly. If you are looking for a new way to spice up your bong sessions, give ice or glycerin tubes a try. You will not regret it!