How to customize your glass bong with stickers, decals, paint, or other decorations?


If you are a fan of glass bongs, you might want to make yours stand out from the crowd. There are many ways to customize your glass bong and express your personality and style. In this blog post, we will show you some of the best methods to decorate your glass bong with stickers, decals, paint, or other accessories. Whether you want to add some color, sparkle, or humor to your bong, we have you covered!

Stickers and decals

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to customize your glass bong is to use stickers or decals. You can find a variety of designs online or in local shops, such as logos, slogans, cartoons, animals, flowers, etc. You can also make your own stickers or decals with a printer and some adhesive paper. To apply them to your glass bong, you will need to clean the surface first with some rubbing alcohol and a cloth. Then, peel off the backing paper and stick the sticker or decal on the desired spot. Smooth out any air bubbles with your fingers or a credit card. You can also use a hair dryer to heat up the sticker or decal and make it adhere better. To remove them, you can peel them off carefully or use some rubbing alcohol and a razor blade.


If you want to give your glass bong a more permanent and artistic makeover, you can use paint. However, not all paints are suitable for glass surfaces. You will need to use special glass paints that are non-toxic and heat-resistant. You can find them online or in craft stores. You will also need some brushes, stencils, masking tape, and newspaper or cardboard to protect your working area. To paint your glass bong, you will need to clean it first with some rubbing alcohol and a cloth. Then, apply some masking tape to cover the parts that you don’t want to paint, such as the mouthpiece, the stem, or the bowl. Next, choose your design and colors and start painting. You can use stencils for more precise shapes or freehand for more creative effects. You can also mix different colors or add some glitter for more sparkle. Let the paint dry completely before removing the masking tape. To seal the paint and make it more durable, you can bake your glass bong in the oven at a low temperature (around 200°F) for about 20 minutes. Let it cool down before using it.

Other decorations

Besides stickers, decals, and paint, there are many other ways to customize your glass bong with different accessories. For example, you can use beads, charms, crystals, feathers, ribbons, or anything else that catches your eye. You can attach them to your glass bong with some glue, wire, string, or elastic bands. You can also use some silicone molds and resin to create your own unique shapes and designs. To decorate your glass bong with these accessories, you will need to clean it first with some rubbing alcohol and a cloth. Then, choose your accessories and arrange them on your glass bong as you like. Use some glue, wire, string, or elastic bands to secure them in place. If you are using resin, follow the instructions on the package and pour it into the silicone molds. Wait for it to cure before popping out the shapes and attaching them to your glass bong.


Customizing your glass bong is a fun and easy way to make it more personal and unique. You can use stickers, decals, paint, or other decorations to add some color, sparkle, or humor to your glass bong. However, remember to always use materials that are safe for smoking herb or tobacco and that won’t damage your glass bong. Also, make sure to clean your glass bong regularly to keep it in good condition and enjoy its smooth hits.
