How often should you change the water in a glass bong and why?


If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a glass bong, you probably know how important it is to keep your piece clean and fresh. A dirty bong can ruin your smoking experience, making it harsher, less flavorful, and more harmful to your health. But how often should you change the water in your glass bong and why? In this blog post, we will answer these questions and give you some tips on how to properly clean any type of glass bong.

Why you should change the water in your glass bong

Changing the water in your glass bong is essential for several reasons:

  • It improves the taste and smell of your smoke.

    Water is meant to filter and cool down the smoke, making it smoother and more enjoyable. However, if the water is dirty, stale, or contaminated, it can have the opposite effect. Dirty water can make your smoke taste and smell bad, ruining the flavor and aroma of your herb or tobacco.

  • It prevents the growth of mold and bacteria.

    Water is a breeding ground for microorganisms, especially if it contains organic matter such as tar, resin, ash, or saliva. If you leave the water in your glass bong for too long, it can become a health hazard. Mold and bacteria can cause respiratory infections, allergies, asthma, and other illnesses. They can also damage your glass bong by corroding or staining it.

  • It reduces the buildup of resin and tar.

    Resin and tar are the sticky substances that accumulate on the walls and inside the tubes of your glass bong. They are produced by the combustion of your herb or tobacco, and they can clog up your piece over time. Resin and tar can also affect the taste and smell of your smoke, making it harsher and less pleasant. Changing the water in your glass bong regularly can help flush out some of the resin and tar, making it easier to clean your piece later.

How often should you change the water in your glass bong

The general rule of thumb is to change the water in your glass bong after every smoke session. This will ensure that you always have fresh, clean water to filter and cool down your smoke. It will also prevent the growth of mold and bacteria, and reduce the buildup of resin and tar.

However, depending on how often you use your glass bong, you may need to change the water more or less frequently. For example, if you only use your glass bong occasionally, you may be able to get away with changing the water once a week or so. On the other hand, if you use your glass bong daily or multiple times a day, you may want to change the water more often than once per session.

The best way to determine how often you should change the water in your glass bong is to pay attention to its appearance, smell, and taste. If the water looks cloudy, murky, or discolored, it’s time to change it. If the water smells funky, sour, or musty, it’s time to change it. If the water tastes bitter, metallic, or stale, it’s time to change it.

How to properly clean any type of glass bong

Changing the water in your glass bong is not enough to keep it clean and fresh. You also need to deep clean your piece regularly to remove any stubborn resin and tar that may have accumulated over time. Deep cleaning your glass bong will also help sanitize it and remove any traces of mold and bacteria that may have survived the water changes.

There are different methods to clean a glass bong, using various ingredients and tools. Some common ingredients are alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Some common tools are bottle brush, pipe cleaner, and saucepan. The basic steps are to fill the bong with the chosen ingredient, shake it,
and let it soak for some time, then rinse it with warm water and dish soap.

One of the most popular methods to clean a glass bong is to use isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and coarse salt.

Here’s how:

  1. Separate all the moving pieces from the bong: the bowl, the stem (or downstem), and the body. You may want to wear latex gloves, as the smell of resin can be hard to remove from your hands.
  2. Rinse out the pieces in hot water. This will loosen up any of the bigger chunks of resin that may be clogging up your bong. The hotter the water the better, but be careful not to burn yourself or shatter the glass. If your piece is cold, start with lukewarm water and slowly raise the temperature.
  3. Knock off any big pieces of resin with cotton swabs or pipe cleaners. If there are any large chunks of tar or resin that you can easily reach, simply knock them off with gentle scrubbing. If a chunk resists, that’s fine. You just want to get rid of the big, easily removed chunks now.
  4. Place the smaller parts in resealable plastic bags. Make sure that they can seal effectively. You’ll use the bag to contain your cleaning fluid while you soak the smaller pieces.
  5. Fill your plastic bags with isopropyl alcohol and salt. Purchase 90% isopropyl instead of 71% whenever available, though both will work. They can be found in the first aid section of your supermarket or pharmacy. Make sure the pieces are fully submerged in the fluid. Alcohol reacts with the tar and resin, making it easier to remove, making it a cheap and effective home cleaner.
  6. Shake the bags gently for a few minutes, then let them sit for at least an hour or overnight for best results. The alcohol and salt will dissolve and scrub away the resin and tar from the smaller pieces.
  7. Fill your bong with isopropyl alcohol and salt as well, then plug the holes with paper towels or corks. Shake the bong gently for a few minutes, then let it sit for at least an hour or overnight for best results. The alcohol and salt will dissolve and scrub away the resin and tar from the inside of the bong.
  8. Pour out the alcohol/salt mixture from the bags and the bong, then rinse them with warm water and dish soap. Make sure no alcohol or salt are left, as they can affect the taste and smell of your smoke.
  9. Let the pieces dry completely before reassembling and using your glass bong. You can use a paper towel or a hair dryer to speed up the process.

If you don’t have isopropyl alcohol available, there are several alternatives you can try, such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or boiling water.

However, these methods may not be as effective or fast as alcohol and salt, so you may need to repeat them more often or let them soak longer.


Keeping your glass bong clean and fresh is not only good for your smoking experience, but also for your health. By changing the water in your glass bong regularly and deep cleaning it once in a while, you can enjoy smooth, flavorful, and safe smoke every time. Remember to use proper ingredients and tools to clean your glass bong, and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that could damage it. Happy smoking!


  1. How to Properly Clean Any Type of Bong – Insider

  2. 3 Ways to Clean a Glass Bong – wikiHow

  3. How to Clean Glass Bongs & Pipes | Leafly

  4. How to Clean a Bong – WayofLeaf
