How often should you change the water in a glass bong and why?

If you are a fan of smoking herbs or tobacco from a glass bong, you probably know how important it is to keep your piece clean and fresh. Not only does a dirty bong look unappealing, but it can also affect the quality and flavor of your smoke, as well as your health. In this blog post, we will explain how often you should change the water in your glass bong and why, as well as some tips on how to clean your bong properly.

Why should you change the water in your glass bong?

There are several reasons why you should change the water in your glass bong regularly. Here are some of them:

  • To avoid inhaling mold and bacteria. When you smoke from a bong, you are creating moisture and heat, which are ideal conditions for mold and bacteria to grow. If you leave the water in your bong for too long, you may end up inhaling these harmful microorganisms, which can cause respiratory infections, allergies, or worse. To prevent this, you should change the water in your bong after every smoke session, or at least once a day.
  • To improve the taste and smoothness of your smoke. The water in your bong acts as a filter, trapping some of the tar, ash, and other impurities from your smoke. However, over time, these substances can accumulate in the water, making it dirty and smelly. This can affect the taste and smoothness of your smoke, making it harsher and less enjoyable. By changing the water in your bong frequently, you can ensure that you get the best flavor and experience from your herbs or tobacco.
  • To extend the lifespan of your bong. A glass bong is an investment that you want to last for a long time. However, if you neglect to change the water in your bong, you may damage it in the long run. The dirty water can stain and corrode the glass, making it weaker and more prone to cracks or breaks. By changing the water in your bong often, you can preserve its appearance and functionality.

How often should you change the water in your glass bong?

The general rule of thumb is to change the water in your glass bong after every smoke session, or at least once a day. This way, you can avoid any health risks, enjoy a better smoke, and keep your bong in good shape. However, depending on how often and how much you smoke, you may need to change the water more or less frequently. For example, if you smoke only occasionally or lightly, you may be able to get away with changing the water every few days. On the other hand, if you smoke heavily or regularly, you may need to change the water more than once a day.

The best way to determine how often you should change the water in your glass bong is to use your senses. If the water looks cloudy, murky, or discolored, it’s time to change it. If the water smells bad or stale, it’s time to change it. If the water tastes bitter or sour, it’s time to change it. And if the water makes your smoke harsh or unpleasant, it’s definitely time to change it.

How to clean your glass bong properly?

Changing the water in your glass bong is not enough to keep it clean and fresh. You also need to deep clean your bong roughly once a week to remove any stubborn residue or buildup from the glass and its parts. There are different methods to clean a glass bong, using various ingredients and tools. Some common ingredients are alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. Some common tools are bottle brush, pipe cleaner, and saucepan. The basic steps are to fill the bong with the chosen ingredient, shake it, and let it soak for some time, then rinse it with warm water and dish soap. Some methods require boiling water, but this could bust the glass.

Here is one simple method that works well for most glass bongs:

  1. Detach the smaller parts and rinse them with hot water. Separate any removable pieces from the bong, like the bowl, the slide, and the stem. Run each of them under hot water for 1-2 minutes to loosen any debris.
  2. Place the parts in a plastic bag with isopropyl alcohol and salt. Gently set the bowl, slide, stem and any other small parts into a resealable plastic bag or a food storage tub. Then, add enough 91% isopropyl alcohol to cover the parts, and spoon in 1-2 tbsp (17-34 g) of coarse salt. Rubbing alcohol helps break down the old tar or resin stuck to the parts, and salt acts as an abrasive to scrub the gunk away.
  3. Shake the pieces in the bags gently, then let them soak for 4-5 hours. Carefully jostle the bag for 2-3 minutes, distributing the abrasive salt into the nooks and crannies of the small parts. Then, set the bag down and let the parts soak for 4-5 hours to let the alcohol work its way into the gunk and grime.
  4. Fill the bong halfway with isopropyl alcohol and add 4 tbsp (68 g) of salt, then shake the bong over the sink for 4-5 minutes. Plug the holes of the bong with your fingers or some paper towels, and pour some alcohol and salt into it. Then, shake the bong vigorously over the sink, making sure to cover all the surfaces inside. Be careful not to drop or break the bong.
  5. Scrub the inside of the bong with a bong brush or a sponge, then rinse it out with hot water and dish soap. Use a long-handled brush or a sponge to reach into the bong and scrub away any remaining residue. Then, rinse out the bong with hot water and some dish soap to remove any traces of alcohol or salt.
  6. Rinse the smaller parts with water and dish soap, then dry them with a towel. Take out the smaller parts from the bag and rinse them thoroughly with water and dish soap. Then, dry them with a clean towel or let them air dry.
  7. Reassemble your bong and enjoy a fresh smoke. Put back all the parts into their places and fill your bong with fresh water. Then, pack a bowl of your favorite herb or tobacco and enjoy a smooth and tasty smoke from your clean glass bong.


Keeping your glass bong clean and fresh is not only good for your health, but also for your smoking experience and your bong’s lifespan. By changing the water in your glass bong regularly and deep cleaning it once a week, you can ensure that you get the most out of your piece. We hope this blog post has helped you understand how often you should change the water in your glass bong and why, as well as how to clean your glass bong properly.


  1. How to Properly Clean Any Type of Bong – Insider
  2. 3 Ways to Clean a Glass Bong – wikiHow
  3. How to Clean Glass Bongs & Pipes | Leafly
  4. How to Clean a Bong – WayofLeaf