How to Use a Glass Bong with Concentrates, Oils, or Wax

If you are looking for a new way to enjoy your favorite herb or tobacco, you might want to try using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax. These are potent forms of cannabis extracts that can deliver a powerful and flavorful experience. However, dabbing these substances requires some special equipment and techniques that are different from smoking dry herbs. In this blog post, we will explain what you need to know about using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax, and how to do it safely and effectively.

What are Concentrates, Oils, and Wax?

Concentrates, oils, and wax are terms that refer to various types of cannabis extracts that have been processed to remove excess plant material and retain the essential cannabinoids and terpenes. These extracts can have THC levels ranging from 50% to 80%, making them much more potent than regular flower. Some of the most common types of concentrates are:

  • Shatter: A hard, brittle, translucent substance that looks like amber glass. It is usually broken into small pieces and dabbed on a hot nail.
  • Wax: A soft, sticky, opaque substance that resembles ear wax or honey. It can have different textures, such as crumble, budder, or sugar. It is usually scooped with a dabber and dabbed on a hot nail.
  • Oil: A liquid, viscous, transparent substance that can be stored in a syringe or a cartridge. It can be dabbed on a hot nail or vaporized with a pen or a battery.
  • Rosin: A solventless extract that is made by applying heat and pressure to dry herb or kief. It has a sappy, sticky consistency and can be dabbed on a hot nail.

These extracts can offer you different effects and flavors depending on the strain, extraction method, and quality. They can also be used for medical purposes, as they can provide fast and potent relief for various conditions. However, they are not for everyone, especially if you are new to cannabis or have a low tolerance. You should always start with a small amount and see how you feel before taking more.

What is a Glass Bong?

A glass bong is a type of water pipe that is used to smoke dry herbs or tobacco. It consists of a bowl where you pack your material, a stem that connects the bowl to the water chamber, a water chamber that filters and cools the smoke, and a mouthpiece that you inhale from. Some glass bongs also have percolators, which are additional chambers or devices that further diffuse the smoke and create bubbles. Glass bongs come in various shapes, sizes, designs, and colors.

Glass bongs can provide a smoother and gentler smoking experience than joints or pipes, as the water helps to remove some of the harshness and toxins from the smoke. They can also enhance the flavor and aroma of your herb or tobacco, as well as the effects. However, glass bongs are not ideal for dabbing concentrates, oils, or wax, as they are not designed to vaporize these substances and may waste some of the product or damage the glass.

What is a Glass Dab Rig?

A glass dab rig is a type of water pipe that is specially designed to vaporize concentrates, oils, or wax. It looks similar to a glass bong but has some key differences:

  • Instead of a bowl, it has a nail where you place your extract. The nail can be made of quartz, ceramic, titanium, or electric (e-nail). It has to be heated with a torch or an electric device until it reaches the optimal temperature for vaporization.
  • Instead of a stem, it has a joint where you insert the nail. The joint can be male or female and have different sizes (10mm, 14mm, 18mm). You have to make sure that your nail matches the joint of your rig.
  • Instead of a mouthpiece, it has a dome or a carb cap that covers the nail after you dab your extract. This helps to regulate the airflow and trap the vapor inside the nail until you inhale it.

Glass dab rigs can provide a more efficient and flavorful way to consume concentrates, oils,
or wax than glass bongs, as they are designed to maximize the vaporization and minimize the combustion of these substances. They can also offer a more intense and immediate experience, as the vapor contains a high concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes. However, glass dab rigs can be more expensive and complicated to use than glass bongs, as they require more accessories and techniques.

How to Use a Glass Bong with Concentrates, Oils, or Wax?

If you want to use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax, you have two options:

  1. You can buy a glass dab rig that is compatible with your glass bong. This means that you have to find a nail, a joint, and a dome or a carb cap that fit the stem of your glass bong. You can then use your glass bong as a dab rig by following these steps:
    • Fill your glass bong with water until it covers the bottom of the stem.
    • Attach the joint and the nail to the stem of your glass bong.
    • Heat the nail with a torch or an e-nail until it glows red or reaches the desired temperature (usually between 300°F and 800°F depending on the type of extract and your preference).
    • Use a dabber to scoop a small amount of your extract and place it on the nail.
    • Cover the nail with the dome or the carb cap and inhale from the mouthpiece of your glass bong.
    • Exhale and enjoy.
  2. You can mix your concentrates, oils, or wax with your dry herb or tobacco and smoke them in your glass bong. This means that you have to find a way to combine your extract with your material, such as melting it, sprinkling it, or sandwiching it. You can then use your glass bong as usual by following these steps:
    • Fill your glass bong with water until it covers the bottom of the stem.
    • Grind your dry herb or tobacco and pack it in the bowl of your glass bong.
    • Add your extract on top of or in between your material.
    • Light the bowl with a lighter or a hemp wick and inhale from the mouthpiece of your glass bong.
    • Exhale and enjoy.

Both options have their pros and cons. Using a glass dab rig can give you a more pure and potent experience, but it can also be more costly and complex. Mixing your extract with your material can give you a more convenient and familiar experience, but it can also be more wasteful and harsh. You should experiment with both methods and see what works best for you.

Tips for Using a Glass Bong with Concentrates, Oils, or Wax

Here are some tips to help you use a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax safely and effectively:

  • Clean your glass bong regularly to prevent resin buildup and maintain optimal performance.
  • Choose high-quality extracts from reputable sources to avoid contaminants and impurities.
  • Start with low doses and temperatures to avoid overdoing it and burning your extract.
  • Use a timer to ensure consistent heating and vaporization of your extract.
  • Use a dab mat to protect your dabbing surface from spills and stains.
  • Store your extracts in a cool, dark, and dry place to preserve their potency and flavor.


Using a glass bong with concentrates, oils, or wax can be a great way to enjoy your herb or tobacco in a new and exciting way. However, you need to have the right equipment and techniques to do it properly. You can either use a glass dab rig that is compatible with your glass bong or mix your extract with your material and smoke them in your glass bong. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, so you should try them out and see what suits you best. Remember to always dab responsibly and have fun!