How to Clean a Bong with Baking Soda

If you enjoy smoking herb or tobacco from a bong, you know how important it is to keep it clean and fresh. A dirty bong can ruin the taste of your smoke, harbor bacteria and mold, and look unsightly. Fortunately, you don’t need to buy expensive or harsh chemicals to clean your bong. You can use a simple and natural ingredient that you probably have in your kitchen: baking soda.

Baking soda is a great cleaner for bongs because it is abrasive, which helps to scrub away the sticky resin and tar that build up in the chamber, the bowl, and the downstem. It is also alkaline, which helps to neutralize the acidic smoke and water that can cause corrosion and stains. Baking soda is also cheap, eco-friendly, and easy to use.

In this blog post, we will show you how to clean a bong with baking soda in four easy steps. You will need the following supplies:

  • A dirty bong
  • Baking soda
  • Warm water
  • Vinegar (optional)
  • A large pot (optional)
  • A sink or basin
  • A sandwich bag
  • Latex gloves
  • A long cleaning brush or pipe cleaner

Step 1: Disassemble and rinse your bong

The first step is to take apart your bong and remove any loose debris. Wearing latex gloves, empty out the old water and any spent herb from the chamber and the bowl. Then, detach the bowl and the downstem from the main piece and place them in a sandwich bag. Rinse the chamber, the bowl, and the downstem with warm water to remove any remaining particles.

Step 2: Add baking soda and water to your bong

The next step is to add baking soda and water to your bong to create a paste that will coat the inside and help loosen the resin and tar. You can use one of the following methods:

  • Pour a mixture of warm water and baking soda into the mouthpiece of your bong and rinse it well. Let it sit for an hour and then rinse again.
  • Pour half a cup of baking soda into the chamber and fill the bong with vinegar. It will bubble up and loosen the resin. Leave it for five minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  • Put the bong in a large pot and pour one cup of baking soda into the neck. Shake it around and then pour two cups of vinegar into the neck. Swish it around and then rinse with warm water.
  • Pre-rinse the bong with warm water and then add baking soda. Shake it around and then rinse again.

Whichever method you choose, make sure to cover the holes of the bong with your hands or fingers to prevent spills. You can also add some baking soda and water or vinegar to the sandwich bag with the bowl and the downstem and shake it well.

Step 3: Scrub your bong with a brush or pipe cleaner

The third step is to scrub your bong with a long cleaning brush or pipe cleaner to remove any stubborn residue that remains after soaking. You can also use some more baking soda as a scouring agent if needed. Pay attention to the hard-to-reach areas such as the corners, curves, and percolators of your bong. Rinse your bong thoroughly with warm water after scrubbing.

Step 4: Dry your bong and reassemble it

The final step is to dry your bong and reassemble it for use. You can use a soft cloth or paper towel to wipe down your bong or let it air dry on a rack or towel. Make sure there is no moisture left inside before putting it back together. Then, enjoy your clean and fresh-smelling bong!

Cleaning your bong with baking soda is an easy and effective way to keep it in good condition. By following these four simple steps, you can ensure that your bong delivers smooth and tasty hits every time. You can also prevent bacteria, mold, corrosion, and stains from ruining your smoking experience. Baking soda is a natural cleaner that you can use regularly without harming your health or the environment.

So next time you notice that your bong needs some TLC, grab some baking soda and get to work. You’ll be amazed by the difference it makes!