How to Use a Bong: A Beginner’s Guide

A bong is a pipe used to smoke dry herb that uses water to cool and filter the smoke. When you hit a bong, the smoke is pulled through a water-filled chamber. Then as the smoke bubbles up through the liquid, the water simultaneously cools down the temperature of the smoke and pulls out fine particulate matter such as tar and ash.

Bongs come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have some basic features in common. They usually consist of a bowl, a stem, a chamber, and a mouthpiece. Some bongs also have a carburetor, which is a hole that allows you to control the airflow and clear the smoke.

Bongs are simple but sophisticated devices that can enhance your smoking experience. In this blog post, we will show you how to use a bong step by step, and give you some tips and tricks to get the most out of your bong.

What You Need to Use a Bong

  • A bong: You can find great water bong options on retailers like Cannabox. A classic example can be found here.
  • Herb or tobacco: You can use any dry herb or tobacco that you prefer, but make sure it is finely ground for even burning.
  • A grinder: You can use a manual or electric grinder to break up your herb or tobacco, or you can also use your fingers or scissors.
  • Water: You can use tap water, bottled water, or filtered water to fill your bong. The temperature is a matter of preference– some people love cold, some warm, and many are fine with room temperature.
  • A lighter: You can use any lighter or match to light your bowl, but some people prefer to use a hemp wick, which is a natural and organic way to light your herb or tobacco without inhaling butane.

How to Use a Bong: Step by Step Instructions

  1. Prepare your bong: Pour water into the mouthpiece until it just covers the downstem. The downstem is a small tube that connects the water in the bottom of the bong to the bottom of the bowl. It should be low enough so that it doesn’t spill out of the carb, if you have one. You can also put ice cubes in the water if you’d like.
  2. Pack your bowl: Take a small amount of herb or tobacco, grind or break it up and fill the bowl, without packing it too tightly. You want some air to flow through the bowl for an even burn.
  3. Place your mouth on the mouthpiece: Place your lips inside the mouthpiece, creating a tight seal. When placing your mouth on the inhale hole, place your lips inside, not over, the hole. Purse them slightly and force them gently into the hole so that the outside of your lips creates an airtight seal.
  4. Light your bowl: Hold a flame over the bowl and inhale slowly and steadily. The smoke will travel through the downstem and into the water, where it will bubble up and fill the chamber.
  5. Clear your bong: When the chamber is full of smoke, pull out the bowl or take your finger off the carb and inhale quickly and forcefully, clearing the smoke into your lungs. Exhale and enjoy!
  6. Clean your bong: It’s not a must every time you use the bong, but make sure to keep it clean and change the water regularly. A dirty bong can harbor bacteria and mold, and affect the taste and quality of your smoke. To clean your bong, you can use rubbing alcohol, salt, vinegar, baking soda, or specialized products designed for bong cleaning.

Why Use a Bong?

Bongs are one of the most popular ways to smoke herb or tobacco for many reasons. Here are some of the pros and cons of using a bong:


  • Bongs produce smoother and cooler hits than joints, pipes, or blunts, because the water cools down the smoke and filters out some of the harsh chemicals and toxins.
  • Bongs can deliver bigger and more potent hits than other smoking methods, because they allow you to inhale more smoke at once.
  • Bongs are easy to use and maintain, as long as you have the basic supplies and follow the simple steps.
  • Bongs are fun and customizable, as they come in different shapes, colors, designs, and features. You can also add accessories like percolators, ash catchers, ice catchers, or diffusers to enhance your bong experience.


  • Bongs can be expensive, depending on the quality, size, and style of the bong. They can also be fragile, especially if they are made of glass.
  • Bongs can be hard to transport or hide, because they are bulky and conspicuous. They are not ideal for smoking on the go or in public places.
  • Bongs can still produce harmful smoke, even though the water filters out some of the toxins. Smoking any substance can damage your lungs and increase your risk of respiratory problems and diseases.


Bongs are a great way to enjoy your herb or tobacco in a smooth and satisfying way. They are easy to use and offer a variety of benefits over other smoking methods. However, they also have some drawbacks and risks that you should be aware of before using them. As always, smoke responsibly and moderately, and have fun!