How to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell?

A glass bong is a device that allows you to smoke your favorite herb or tobacco in a filtered and cooled way. Glass bongs are preferred by many smokers because they are made of high-quality borosilicate glass that is heat resistant, transparent, and easy to clean. Glass bongs also come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, with different types of percolators that enhance the diffusion and condensation of the smoke.

However, using a glass bong can also have some drawbacks, especially if you want to be discreet about your smoking habits. Glass bongs can produce a lot of noise when you inhale the smoke, as well as a strong smell that can linger in the air and on your clothes. If you live with other people who are not fond of your smoking, or if you want to avoid attracting unwanted attention from your neighbors or authorities, you might want to learn how to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell. Here are some tips that can help you achieve that.

Choose a small or medium-sized glass bong

One of the factors that affect the noise level of a glass bong is its size. Larger glass bongs tend to produce more noise because they have more water and air volume, which create more bubbles and turbulence when you inhale. Smaller glass bongs, on the other hand, have less water and air volume, which result in less noise. Therefore, if you want to use a glass bong quietly, you should opt for a small or medium-sized one that can still deliver a satisfying hit without being too loud.

Fill the glass bong with the right amount of water

Another factor that affects the noise level of a glass bong is the amount of water you fill it with. Too much water can cause the smoke to splash and gurgle, while too little water can make the smoke harsh and dry. The ideal amount of water for a glass bong is enough to cover the bottom of the downstem by about an inch or two. This way, the smoke will be filtered and cooled properly without making too much noise.

Use ice cubes or cold water in the glass bong

A simple trick to reduce the noise and smell of a glass bong is to use ice cubes or cold water instead of room temperature water. Ice cubes or cold water can lower the temperature of the smoke, making it denser and smoother. This means that less air will be needed to inhale the smoke, which will reduce the noise and smell. Some glass bongs have ice notches or ice catchers that allow you to place ice cubes inside the tube for extra cooling. If your glass bong does not have this feature, you can simply add some ice cubes or cold water to the base before using it.

Inhale slowly and gently from the glass bong

The way you inhale from a glass bong can also affect how much noise and smell it produces. If you inhale too fast or too hard, you will create more bubbles and turbulence in the water, which will make more noise and smell. If you inhale too slowly or too softly, you will not get enough smoke in your lungs, which will waste your herb or tobacco. The best way to inhale from a glass bong is to do it slowly and gently, with a steady and consistent airflow. This way, you will get a smooth and potent hit without making too much noise or smell.

Cover the mouthpiece and bowl of the glass bong when not in use

One of the main sources of smell from a glass bong is the mouthpiece and bowl, where the smoke exits and enters respectively. If you leave these parts uncovered when not in use, the smoke will escape into the air and spread around your room. To prevent this from happening, you should cover the mouthpiece and bowl of your glass bong with your hand or a piece of cloth when not in use. This will trap the smoke inside the glass bong and reduce its smell.

Clean your glass bong regularly

The most important thing you can do to reduce the noise and smell of your glass bong is to clean it regularly. Over time, resin and tar will build up inside your glass bong, affecting its performance and appearance. These substances will also make your glass bong smell bad and produce more noise when you use it. To avoid this problem, you should clean your glass bong after every session or at least once a week. You can use a variety of methods to clean your glass bong, such as using alcohol and salt, boiling water, vinegar and baking soda, or commercial cleaners. The main goal is to remove all the resin and tar from your glass bong and rinse it thoroughly with water.


Using a glass bong is a great way to enjoy your herb or tobacco in a filtered and cooled way. However, if you want to use a glass bong without making too much noise or smell, you should follow some tips that can help you achieve that. These tips include choosing a small or medium-sized glass bong, filling it with the right amount of water, using ice cubes or cold water, inhaling slowly and gently, covering the mouthpiece and bowl when not in use, and cleaning your glass bong regularly. By following these tips, you can use your glass bong discreetly and comfortably without disturbing anyone around you.
